Doggie Adventures

When I was growing up, we had a dog named Benji. He was a cute little white mutt, part pekinese, part poodle and part maltese. He was cute and looked innocent, but my parents should have known better. When they came to pick up their chosen puppy from the breeder, she warned them, "This puppy is part maltese. Do you still want him?" My parents thought this lady was just being ridiculous and readily agreed to take their adorable little blessing home. How much trouble could one little puppy get into anyway?

Then, the fun begins. One day, while my mom wasn't in the room, Benji found a new pasttime. He discovered the lovely green hanging plant my mom had spent many months growing. It was beautiful, the emerald green leaves cascaded from the plant, reaching elegantly towards the floor. To Benji though it was a many leafed playground. That brave dog jumped up high into the air like an olympic athlete valiantly grasping a branch in his mouth and ladding with a thump back on the dining room floor. Then he jumped again, tearing off branch after branch with his mouth. Finally, my mom came into the room, shocked to see her beautiful plant reduced to a tattered heap on the linoleum floor.


He knew he was in trouble but he had enjoyed himself and that's what's really important. After all, living joyously in the moment is what makes life worth living.

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