Grace, the Human Trainer

Meet Grace. She's a full-time human trainer and it's not an easy job. People are stubborn, they have a tendency to get this silly idea that they're in charge. People don't seem to take the idea that the cat is boss very seriously. But, Grace is good.

She can get people to do a lot of things just by looking cute and sweetly pawing their leg. This gets her anything from turkey, to playtime to free transportation around the house on someone's shoulder. If she wants to go into the porch, just lay by the front door, presto, it opens. For a drink of water from the faucet, she just has to stick her head under it and a human will turn it on.

Once, when she was naughty and bitey, I carried her to the bedroom for a time out. I set her down on the soft bed and walked out. Before I could shut the door, the stinker had already run out of the room. Sighing, I carried her back into the room. Zoom! She was past the door before I could even run out. I was seriously beginning to wonder who was the smarter creature! Then I threw a lovely little glitter ball into the room. I was out of the room and had the door closed before she even realized what was happening. Little Gracie got her short time out that day. Whether she's the boss or not, I showed her that human ingenuity can pay off.

And glitter balls aren't the only way to get a cat to go where you want them to. Grace, in her boss mode, decided to intimidate my brother. She would block the doorway into the next room and try to act tough. But, he found a way around that. He can get her to move in any direction he wants her to go with the use of a handy little laser pointer. Since Grace chasing the laser light is so cute and funny, I had to attach a video of it, so everyone can enjoy this scene as much as I do.

NOTE: if you use a laser pointer, please take caution to keep the beam from shining in the cat's eyes.

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